PARTICIPANT AFTER DARK is a virtual performance, screening, and exhibition space launched by PARTICIPANT INC in 2020.

PARTICIPANT invited artist Glen Fogel to design and develop the inaugural 2020-2021 season of AFTER DARK. The 2020-2021 archive is available here.

253 E Houston St, Ground Floor
New York, NY 10002
T: 212.254.4334

Image: Baseera Khan and Patricia Okoumou in dialogue, August 7, 2020 at Participant Inc, New York. [Image description: Color photograph of the artist Baseera Khan and activist Patricia Okoumou, with Okoumou's son on her lap, smiling and raising one arm each in a high-five gesture from a distance. They are both seated in the middle of a black and metallic art installation, while Okoumou and her son wear matching green outfits and Khan is wearing a black t-shirt and beige slacks.]

PARTICIPANT INC's exhibitions are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature. 
Our programs are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Archiving and documentation projects are supported by the National Endowment for the Arts. 
PARTICIPANT INC is supported in part by an Artists Council Grant of the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation.
PARTICIPANT INC receives generous support from the Harriett Ames Charitable Trust; Agnes Gund Foundation; Marta Heflin Foundation; The Ruth Ivor Foundation; The Meredith E. James Charitable Fund; Jerome Foundation; Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation; Andrea Stern Charitable Fund; Still Point Fund; The Jacques Louis Vidal Charitable Fund; The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts; FRIENDS of PARTICIPANT INC; numerous individuals; and Materials for the Arts, NY Department of Cultural Affairs/NYC Department of Sanitation/NYC Dept. of Education.

PARTICIPANT INC receives support from the Henry Luce Foundation, the Willem de Kooning Foundation, and Teiger Foundation through the Coalition of Small Arts New York.
PARTICIPANT INC is W.A.G.E. Certified;
a member of Coop Fund;